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Friday, March 06, 2009

An update

So some of you know that we've been struggling with Tanner's health for the last several months. I've asked for prayer and thought I'd update you guys that still read this blog. :)

Tanner (my 9 year old son) was born with severe reflux. He was also born with Asperger tendencies. I say tendencies because our doctor didn't think he needed to be tested and after much prayer I decided that as long as we were able to parent him well and he wasn't suffering because of it we decided a diagnosis wouldn't serve any purpose. So anyway, he's on a medicine for the reflux and has done pretty well with it but the last several months have been horrible. He has nausea every day and has been sent home from school often because he's throwing up at school. There have been weeks where he's thrown up 5-10 times in one week. The doctor doesn't seem as concerned as I am and therefore I think we're getting ready to switch doctors (which is hard since we do love this man)

I've been at the end of my rope and I'm soooo tired of Tanner being sick. It's hard to watch him struggle in the morning with the nausea knowing he's miserable and what do you do? He has to go to school. I've contemplated home schooling him just so we don't have to deal with the absences, but with him being an only child and already having some social anxiety, I just never feel at peace about it. I really feel like he needs to be with other kids.

So this week I've been praying and praying and really trying to think of what could be causing his nausea. I thought "hmmm, he's always congested when he wakes up. He's on an allergy nasal spray, but what if the drainage is causing the nausea?" So I got some allergy medicine last night and gave it to him. This morning he woke up and I always ask "Scale of 1-10, how's the nausea?" He said "Maybe a 1. I don't feel that bad." Ahhhh. Are you kidding? This kid has been through boat loads of tests and medicines. He's been so sick and it might just be nasal drip? We don't know for sure yet, but wow, if this is it, Praise the Lord.
I appreciate all those prayers and will keep you posted if this does the trick.


Carole said...

Sabrina, thank you for sharing about Tanner. My heart and prayers go out to you, because nothing hurts so much as seeing our child suffer. Please keep us updted.

Jennifer Crosswhite said...

That would be awesome if it works.

Sissy's been so sick she had a CT scan Monday. We finally had to pull her out of school after missing 38 days and fighting with the school district. But of course, she's got the opposite personality of Tanner, outgoing and a social butterfly, so she's doing well at homeschooling but really missing her friends. Sigh. It's so hard to know what to do as a parent.

Shirlee McCoy said...

I'm glad he's feeling better, Sabrina.

Homeschooling is a wonderful thing, but not for ever kid or every parent. I'm glad you're going with your gut on this one!