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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Writing and making progress...

Sorry posts have been scarce lately. I've actually been making progress with my WIP Rock Bottom. My plan was to submit it by the end of July and I think I'll at least have the proposal off and the rough draft complete by then.

I plan to work and revise while I wait to hear back from the editor. It's been a fun journey with these characters and can't wait to read the finished product. I think I like them more than I like any other characters I've ever written because they're very flawed. Like me. LOL.

Hope all of you are well and making progress on your own manuscripts.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's okay. My reading of blogs has been scarce, LOL. Glad to hear you're making progress. I'm back in the writing swing myself.

We have got to get together! Calvin is starting football in Sept which will take up every Sat. so we gotta get together this summer!