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Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Making your own history...

I didn't have the best upbringing. I didn't grow up in a Christian home and I've never thought back on my childhood as happy. In fact it was painful in a lot of ways. All that to say I've been thinking a lot about what I'll do when my mother is gone. Or even my dad. I'm an only child and I'm pretty sure that regardless of our relationship I'm going to have a lot of regrets.

I've been thinking how sad it will be that we've never been able to bridge the gap between the mistakes of the past and present day. We have such a dysfunctional relationship it's exhausting. However I've been thinking about what it will feel like 20 years from now when I'm sitting alone thinking of my parents and wishing I had fond memories to reminisce about. It occurred to me that it's within my power to change that future. I could do something about it right now. I could be the one to make those fun memories happen. So I've decided to host a get together with my mom, my girl cousins, and my aunts. I'm thinking of a simple picnic at the park once the weather warms up. Something that is low key. No stress and little clean up. I want all of us to feel happy and relaxed and come away with a great memory. I'm hoping for lots of laughter.

Any thoughts for a fun game or even recipe for a yummy treat we could have would be appreciated. :)


embracelife said...

I think this sounds like a courageous idea. I have a family relationship that might leave regrets and I wish you blessings. Sounds like a lot of fun too!
How about Puppy Chow? Easy to bring and people love it.
9 cups crispy rice cereal squares 1/2 cup peanut butter 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips 1 1/2 cups confectioners' sugar
In a saucepan over low heat, melt the chocolate; add peanut butter and mix until smooth.
Remove from heat, add cereal and stir until coated.
Pour powdered sugar into large plastic bag, add coated cereal and shake until well coated. Store in airtight container

embracelife said...

forgot to say it was me! Christa