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Saturday, July 01, 2006

Where are you at?

I'm one of those people who become paralyzed when I leave things undone. I feel like I need to work on Rock Bottom and finish it. However, until I feel finished with Prescription for Murder, I don't think I'll be able to progress with RB. I'm to the point I'm going to send off Prescription for Murder just to wash my hands of it. I think I'm at a place where it's sink or swim. I keep reworking the same scenes over and over until they no longer resemble the same story I started long ago. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. =)

That being said, I thought it would be fun to commiserate together. Where are you all at with your current WIP? Are you feeling great? Are you stressed? Overwhelmed? Relieved to be done with your current project. Or maybe you got some great news you'd like to share. No matter where you are feel free to share.


Malia Spencer said...

Yikes! Okay, send PM over for some TLC and play time for me. I'm becoming disgustingly happy about finding things and pointing them out to be fixed. Maybe that editor job you teased me about wouldn't be such a bad job. I'm almost done with C's latest so I need something else to work on.

Sick that the editor can't be turned on for my own stuff. Guess that's what crit partners are for?

Unknown said...

Well I'm diving back into my first project--which you two have seen--doing some editor requested rewrites. It's weird because I hadn't looked at it in nearly 6 months. Did a little brainstorming and now I'm happy to be working on it again.

I think the desire comes and goes--at least for me. I just came off of two months without working on my own writing at all, so I'm feeling a lot more refreshed. I hadn't taken a break like that in three years. Guess the muse needed a vacation.

Cara Putman said...

Send it! Give it wings and let it sink or swim. :-) I can't wait to send out the complete of Double Image for the same reason. I am so ready to move on to Cherry Hill, but can't until DI is gone. That will be SUCH a good feeling