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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Baby it's cold outside. . .

We got our ice that was predicted, but we're still waiting on the snow. I love snow. I need snow in the winter. It makes me feel all cheery. :) I know...I'm weird. But seriously, winter without snow is just depressing. Besides, Tanner is dying to go sledding and I confess I'm looking forward to it myself. If we get to go I'll post some pics.

Now, as much as I love winter, I was cleaning out my digital camera and found all kinds of vacation pics that I forgot about.

Thought I'd share a few. Of course these are of Tanner. This first one makes me a little sad. Being an only child I get how lonely it can be sometimes.

Vacationing with the parents is fun, but can be a little boring. However, the next one shows how fun my little boy is and how even without a bunch of siblings, you can have a blast. :)

Next year, we're taking a friend along. That should be interesting.


Crystal Laine said...

That is hilarious! Love it. And I love the warmth of it as I needed a dose of that!

Even though my Max has 3 brothers, he is the youngest, so he has had lonely times, too. He always wanted to grow up fast so he could be with the bigger boys, but that wasn't the way it worked!

Anyway, we have a 2 hour delay already tonight, so maybe you'll get your Snow Wish!

Sabrina L. Fox said...

Crystal, from what we've discussed, my Tanner and your Max would have been great friends had they been born closer together. :)

No delay for us. Tanner finds it very unjust that EB and MG got a delay and his school didn't...LOL